Este mês o desafio foi uma receita saudável, super fácil de fazer e agradável nesta época de calor. Saladinha com batata. Pode ser fria ou quente, misturar o que se quizer... et voilá! Uma refeição nutritiva, saudável, saborosa e pouco dispendiosa.
Jami Sorrento was our June Daring Cooks hostess and she chose to
challenge us to celebrate the humble spud by making a delicious and
healthy potato salad. The Daring Cooks Potato Salad Challenge was
sponsored by the nice people at the United States Potato Board, who
awarded prizes to the top 3 most creative and healthy potato salads. A
medium-size (5.3 ounce) potato has 110 calories, no fat, no cholesterol,
no sodium and includes nearly half your daily value of vitamin C and
has more potassium than a banana!
Ingredientes Ingredients
3 batatas 3 potatoes
1 alface pequena 1 small leduce
2 tomates 2 tomatoes
2 latas de atum 2 cans of tuna fish
1 lata de milho doce 1 can of corn
1 chávena de chá de grão de bico 1 cup of tea of chickpeas
2 colheres de sopa de azeite 2 tablespoons of olive oil
4 colheres de sopa de vinagre de vinho 4 tablespoons of vinegar
Oregãos a gosto Oregano
Pistachios picados Chopped pistachio
Sal a gosto Salt
Lavar bem os legumes crus, alface e tomate. Cozer as batatas e cortar em cubos grosseiros. Juntar os ingredientes numa saladeira e temperar com o sal, azeite, vinagre e oregãos. Salpicar com os pistachios picados.
Ai que bom!!
(Wash the raw vegetables. Boil the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Add all the ingredients in a salad bowl and season them with salt, olive oil, vinegar and oregano. Sprinkle the chopped pistachios over the salad. Yummy!!)
Thank you Jami for such a simple but delicious challenge! One of my favorites so far!